Guiding children in tai chi to calmly stimulate, invigorate
and enliven their energy ... within the realms of academics, motor skills and all aspects of life.

AGES 3-5

AGES 5-8

I have been doing and teaching Tai Chi over 40 years. Personally, it's something I do daily to get grounded and slowly work out any kinks with smooth, solid, easy movements. Focus mainly on the breath and have a wonderful workout. Sharing Tai Chi with others brings me great joy. Lately I've been mostly working with young children encouraging them to slow their pace down for while to realize the finer connections in life. Some names of the moves are "stroking the tiger's tail and waving hands in the clouds". Along with the movements kids are encouraged to make sounds on the out breath. All to enliven their physiology in a wholistic exercise.



"If I were in charge of the world, the neighborhood or the classroom, what would I do?"
Global Dreams . . . A program promoting a child's ability to verbally express solutions to individual, community and world problems.
The spoken word is a child's most immediate means of expression. Before reading, before writing, children speak. Therefore, it is essential that they have a forum to utilize this means of communication.
"Initially, Global Dreams' focus is to develop oral presentation skills in preschool, kindergarten and elementary classrooms. In time, the program will expand to include each grade level through high school. Global Dreams sees the enormous impact such a positive program would have when children realize their dreams become reality. They are the seeds to the future."
-Terrence Cannon, Founder
Global Dreams is based in Rhode Island and is planning numerous pilot projects throughout the state. However, being a global concept, we are reaching out to many cities and towns throughout the world
At an early age if children experience other children expressing their dreams, they are more likely to embrace diversity and a passion for learning about their world.
Encouraging verbal skills to flourish in young students enables them to feel:
• Confident and empowered
• Inspired and stimulated to further engage in all subjects in school.
• Energized with active methods to communicate from their personal perspective.
• A welcome forum to exhibit their inner sense of the world they live in and someday will be responsible for.
• An opportunity to express playful and serious notions . . . which are necessary in experiencing a full life.
• Their voices are sought and valued as contributing to solutions to personal, local and global concerns.
We can be contacted for:
• Workshop training
• Presentations and Pilot Projects for schools, orphanages an daycare centers.